Sunday, February 8, 2009

Band Wagon

1. If I could go back and live my twenties in any decade it would be the 1960’s in the Village.
2. I am really into jazz.
3. I am scared of cats and large dogs.
4. I rarely have cash on me but when I do I need to have all the bills facing to the right and in order by monetary value.
5. I can’t leave my room without making my bed in the morning.
6. Sometimes I really think I’m slightly OCD.
7. I like to watch figure skating and enjoy when skaters fall down.
8. If a dog show is on, I’ll watch it and be on the edge of my seat the whole time.
9. The sound of the dishwasher relaxes me.
10. I had dreadlocks for a week.
11. In high school I used to dye my hair every two weeks (it’s been pink, red, purple, blue and jet black)
12. I can’t cook. At all. But I really like to grocery shop.
13. My favorite tea is Sleepy Time.
14. I can sign the alphabet and a couple phrases.
15. I can juggle three balls.
16. I like to clean but that doesn’t mean I clean as often as I should.
17. I firmly believe that you shouldn’t judge people on first impressions.Be fair- get to know someone and then judge them. You can hate them if you want to.
18. When I’m really, really fershnickered I think I can speak fluent Spanish, know all the moves to Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ and fully analyze someone just by looking at them.
19. I wish I had blue eyes.
20. I’m writing a book.
21. I used to perform at poetry open mics in Boston but haven’t in New York even though I’ve been here since 2003.
22. I played the clarinet in 5th grade.
23. When traveling on Delta as a child, I thought the suitcase tags with ‘DL’ on them were just for my initials. I didn’t realize till much later that DL is for Delta. I know fly JetBlue.
24. I was born ten weeks premature and in an incubator for a month.
25. Napping is my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. For no. 1, would you have been a hippie in the Village or a Yippie? Look up the difference and get back to me.
